Enter at your own risk.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ah...the solitude

Can it be?  Am I actually the only one home!  Gasp!  What shall I do?

I think I shall update my blog!  Erin and I were riding home from her dance lesson.  She was telling me that the black hole in the center of our universe emits a low B flat.  It is so low that it is in fact 52 octaves below middle C!  Wow!  But then I asked her, "How do they know this."  Erin told me that we have instruments on Earth that can pick up the sound waves coming from it.  And I thought, "Hmmm...they can pick that up, but not the noise of possible life on other planets?"  So I told her what my thoughts were and we got into a very silly debate about whether or not it is possible to know what sound is coming from the black hole. 

So, here is what I think...all of you scientists may want to turn away!  If it is possible to hear the universe humming, why can't we hear other things on the planets which are a billion miles closer?  How is it that a black hole can "hum" if all sound and light get sucked into it?  Does that mean that we are on the backside of the universes belly button?  What if it is just God at the center of the universe sitting in heaven humming a tune?  I know....it will keep you up at night!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recently I received an email from my Mom. She had noted that I hadn't posted anything in a long time and so concluded that either all was well or all H.E.~double hockey sticks was breaking out! Of course you all know by now that it is, of course the latter!

Last Saturday Josh was on his way out the door to go to a friends house. He slipped and started making, what I call the "Josh has broken something" sound. He adamantly stated that he did not break anything. After a short talk, (or rather a discussion on whether or not he broke anything) I sent him on his way to the friends house. I got a call about an hour later in which Josh told me that he did indeed break something and it was getting worse. However, he was bound and determined to stay and hang with his friend. By now I know exactly how the doctors at our home away from home are going to examine him so I tell him I will be there after picking up our van from the repair shop and getting the Honda in for new tires. (A shout out to Mike and Tanya for helping make the repair happen! It turned out that our car was leaking gas and causing the van to not start, stall once started and in running mode, and killing us with toxic fumes.)

So I bring a brace over to Josh and examine him for a break. I concluded that while I did think he had broken a bone in his hand, I did know enough about breaks to know that waiting to go to the doctor the next day would be fine. Especially since we have the latest and greatest wrist brace! We did end up taking him in to the doc the next day where they concluded that he had broken the scaphoid bone in his wrist. (it is the larger bone under your thumb pad.) So, we get casted and that is when it hits me....Josh's 6th grade class trip is in 10 days and they do outside winter sports and rock wall and ropes course. He is livid he might miss it. So, I ask the doctor if he could still participate and he said, "Sure, if he can hang on he can go! As it is your family I know that the chances of him getting hurt won't significantly increase from his original odds."
Ha Ha doc!

Now, however he has gotten Steve's cold and might miss the trip anyway due to his asthma kicking in.....so, everyone pray that he gets better very, very fast!!!

As for me, I have gone back to school! Well, Sarah's school that is. She is having so much trouble that they have asked me to attend with her to help ease her anxiety. It seems to be helping a little, but it also changes the dynamics of the group during therapy time so we are only doing this very short term. Her outbursts have been HUGE and she is so dysregulated that we are all at a loss. However, we have a new psychiatrist who seems to understand Sarah's issues and a day program that suits her needs. We are just waiting now for the silver lining to our cloud.

Erin is thriving in school and life! She does get very frustrated with our home environment, but would anyway due to hormones. I don't know what Heavenly Father was thinking when he did this to teens! She has perfected the evil eye and eye roll and is ever vigilant at making sure we all know when she is moody. Unfortunately for her, her moodiness seems to coincide with my moodiness so when she comes to me all teary and upset I often respond, "GROWL!!!"

Megan is a joy! She is learning that she isn't Sarah and can have her own ideas and plans. Sarah isn't much thrilled with this new independence of Megan's but will adapt. Megan is not thrilled with school this year, partly due to her teacher being a rule enforcer, (and water bottle nazi!!)Megan is all about explaining all she does and there isn't time for that during the day. Fortunately we are half way through the year.

As for me......My life is my children's sanity, my marriage and planning 2 wedding showers and 2 wedding receptions in the next couple of months. My sister and Steve's sister decided to get married the same weekend in April so I am up to my eyeballs in disposable plates, fake greenery and organza! Don't get me wrong though....I love it!

And Steve? you wonder.....me too, I haven't seen him much this week. I do know that he is alive and breathing! He has a good job and is a great man!

Thanks for reading!
Insanely Yours,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well...on with the insanity! Yesterday I was heading up to our elementary school when I got a call stating that Josh was in the nurses office because his friend accidentally cut the pad of Josh's right middle finger off! So I went in and, yes indeed it was cut. I learned what happened and the teacher came down to talk to me. She told me that the friend was beside himself and was close to hyperventilating. I told her to send him down to the nurses office. He came in and I felt so bad for him that I actually got teary and had to give him a hug, of course momentarily ignoring Josh! Poor Josh! However it does give him bragging rights. Well, until a classmate came in the next week with 60 stitches in his thigh due to a hockey incident! Ewwww!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Bipolar Child

We have recently acquired a PCA for Sarah. What is that you say? Well....she is a person who helps Sarah with life skills, PT exercises, and other daily needs. However, her main job at the moment is keeping up with Sarah's energy level. To give you an example.....

On Monday, during a 5 hour period Sarah did all these activities, all lasting about 5 minutes:

Go outside, come inside, play with playdough, go back outside, come in finish playdough, giggle for no reason, stop to do PT, eat dinner, go shopping, come home, go swimming, come home, giggle some more, go outside, tell Mom "I'm bored", start a game, end the game, go do the Wii, go sledding in backyard, come in, giggle, giggle, decide to go to the school and play outside there, come home, discuss what we have done and that we have a lot of energy, giggle more, swing, play catch while on a balance ball, play guitar, have dessert, watch fish and frog, (see previous post), go back outside, come in, claim being tired, PCA goes home, get ready for bed, have a snack, ask about tomorrow, tell parents we can't possible sleep......and crash out 5 minutes later.

Wow, that makes me tired!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

On a more incredible note....I have been asked recently if I have gotten a job. I am never home and it has nothing to do with a paying gig. I have recently been give the title of "Home Medical Manager" by the clients living in our home! I am, on average at 4-6 appointments a week. This includes, but is not limited to.....Paperwork for Sarah and Josh to get MA and special services for Sarah which include: (she is bipolar...that will be another blog,) weekly PT for Sarah who has the balance and coordination of a 4 year old and the strength of a 7 year old, PT rehab (the specialist who over sees Sarah's physical condition,) a weekly psychology apt, a monthly psychiatrist apt, ongoing genetics apts to find out what the heck is going on, a neurosurgeon due to finding a syrinx on her spinal MRI, day treatment school, and numerous apts at the orthopedics due to the 20 ankle sprains, two growth plate breaks, 2 dislocated radial heads, an injured thoracic nerve, sprained hand and hmmm...I know I am missing some.

On top of that, Josh sprained his MCL during a stunt gone bad involving his cousins, an ATV and a sled! He cut his hand and needed stitches ( gaining "street cred" with his boys scout homeys because he went back to the camp after finishing at the doctors!) Josh's scout leader was heard to say, "I knew I shouldn't have given a knife to a Rogers kid!" Megan's apts for her broken heel (jumping off a bed!) and broken finger (slammed in a desk). Erin braces and a little camping accident that involved a knife and 6 stitches while camping in Winona. Not including concerts, PCA apts, Home health checkups, Case Manager meetings, our church callings.....you get the idea!

I realize that this may not sound like a lot until you know that this has all happened within the last year....most of it within the last 6 months! A friend recently asked me which Gods we angered, to which I replied, "All the Gods of all the worldly religions!" We had the missionaries from our church over one evening and one of the missionaries was in a cast. We got to talking about injuries (Josh was fresh from his MCL sprain, Megan had a cast for her heel, and a brace for her wrist.) We then went on with our chat. Then, the next day, a friend was dropping her son off for a New Year's Eve party and told me that they had the missionaries over for dinner the night after the missionaries were here. They asked the missionary with the broken arm how he injured it to which he wittily replied, "Oh...I was at the Rogers...."
As I drove home from a pet store visit with a new beta for my dariling daughter Sarah, I reflected back to the begining of this aquatic adventure. Last November Sarah and I were in a petstore and she found a beta fish that she "just has to get," "there won't be another like it ever!." I said that I thought we had enough pets,(a dog, fish, 2 guinea pigs, and 2-14 gerbils depending on how large the litter is....ithat's a whole 'nother story!) and she could get one in the future when our other animals had gone to their next estate. Now, jump ahead to December....we are getting gifts for our kids and I find a fun "toy" for Sarah. You buy an aquatic set up that includes two tadpoles that you then raise and take care of. After doing some research, we found that these frogs can live up to 35 years! We decide that that isn't for us and pursue other ideas.

This is when, while in the pet store I see that they have aquatic frogs that are more like betas....breathe air, minimal tank cleaning and live a short time. We buy the set up and two frogs (we gave her this gift a little early due to extenuating circumstances.) After about two days frog number one dies...we have a 14 day gaurantee on the little buggers so we go trade dead for alive and are once again up and running. Well, another frog dies, then the replacement frog dies and they allow us to trade in yet again and try our luck once more. At this time, we also add 4 guppies and a little algae eater. Well......yep, you got it both frogs bite it and our little algae eater and 2 guppies!

By now we are all fed up with this process and find a different pet store that might be able to provide some insight as to why we keep killing the little buggers. So, after some advice and looking at the fish, we decide to replace the frogs with new ones, but give them their own tank and different food. (It turns out that the guppies were attacking and stressing out the frogs and that, along with starving them to death is why they died.) We also buy 2 replacement guppies and a new algae eater.

Everything is going smoothly when out of nowhere one of the frogs dies!!! Now, Sarah is in a full tizzy and refuses to try more frogs, (do you blame her?!) And when the previous frogs died she said she would try only once more then she was going to just get a beta as a replacement. I agree to this, but forgot that she is amazing at getting around the little details. I had never specified that both frogs would have to die to get the fish...so off we go to the pet store AGAIN!!! She picks out a beautiful beta and a set up for it (yes, we are now onto 3 tanks!!) and head home.

At this time I realize that had I just bought her the beta in November I would have saved myself countless trips to the store, emotional trauma to my child and oh so very much money. I think that she might have had this all planned out to begin with!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome to the Madness....

When you start a life together, you never know what the future may hold. As the ailments piled up over the years, we never dreamed we would be on a first name basis with several doctors, many nurses, a few psychologists and the cast guy at the orthopaedic center, whose name is Don. (A shout out to Don!)