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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ah...the solitude

Can it be?  Am I actually the only one home!  Gasp!  What shall I do?

I think I shall update my blog!  Erin and I were riding home from her dance lesson.  She was telling me that the black hole in the center of our universe emits a low B flat.  It is so low that it is in fact 52 octaves below middle C!  Wow!  But then I asked her, "How do they know this."  Erin told me that we have instruments on Earth that can pick up the sound waves coming from it.  And I thought, "Hmmm...they can pick that up, but not the noise of possible life on other planets?"  So I told her what my thoughts were and we got into a very silly debate about whether or not it is possible to know what sound is coming from the black hole. 

So, here is what I think...all of you scientists may want to turn away!  If it is possible to hear the universe humming, why can't we hear other things on the planets which are a billion miles closer?  How is it that a black hole can "hum" if all sound and light get sucked into it?  Does that mean that we are on the backside of the universes belly button?  What if it is just God at the center of the universe sitting in heaven humming a tune?  I know....it will keep you up at night!

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed that your about me says "average greek goddess". Love it!
