Enter at your own risk.....

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recently I received an email from my Mom. She had noted that I hadn't posted anything in a long time and so concluded that either all was well or all H.E.~double hockey sticks was breaking out! Of course you all know by now that it is, of course the latter!

Last Saturday Josh was on his way out the door to go to a friends house. He slipped and started making, what I call the "Josh has broken something" sound. He adamantly stated that he did not break anything. After a short talk, (or rather a discussion on whether or not he broke anything) I sent him on his way to the friends house. I got a call about an hour later in which Josh told me that he did indeed break something and it was getting worse. However, he was bound and determined to stay and hang with his friend. By now I know exactly how the doctors at our home away from home are going to examine him so I tell him I will be there after picking up our van from the repair shop and getting the Honda in for new tires. (A shout out to Mike and Tanya for helping make the repair happen! It turned out that our car was leaking gas and causing the van to not start, stall once started and in running mode, and killing us with toxic fumes.)

So I bring a brace over to Josh and examine him for a break. I concluded that while I did think he had broken a bone in his hand, I did know enough about breaks to know that waiting to go to the doctor the next day would be fine. Especially since we have the latest and greatest wrist brace! We did end up taking him in to the doc the next day where they concluded that he had broken the scaphoid bone in his wrist. (it is the larger bone under your thumb pad.) So, we get casted and that is when it hits me....Josh's 6th grade class trip is in 10 days and they do outside winter sports and rock wall and ropes course. He is livid he might miss it. So, I ask the doctor if he could still participate and he said, "Sure, if he can hang on he can go! As it is your family I know that the chances of him getting hurt won't significantly increase from his original odds."
Ha Ha doc!

Now, however he has gotten Steve's cold and might miss the trip anyway due to his asthma kicking in.....so, everyone pray that he gets better very, very fast!!!

As for me, I have gone back to school! Well, Sarah's school that is. She is having so much trouble that they have asked me to attend with her to help ease her anxiety. It seems to be helping a little, but it also changes the dynamics of the group during therapy time so we are only doing this very short term. Her outbursts have been HUGE and she is so dysregulated that we are all at a loss. However, we have a new psychiatrist who seems to understand Sarah's issues and a day program that suits her needs. We are just waiting now for the silver lining to our cloud.

Erin is thriving in school and life! She does get very frustrated with our home environment, but would anyway due to hormones. I don't know what Heavenly Father was thinking when he did this to teens! She has perfected the evil eye and eye roll and is ever vigilant at making sure we all know when she is moody. Unfortunately for her, her moodiness seems to coincide with my moodiness so when she comes to me all teary and upset I often respond, "GROWL!!!"

Megan is a joy! She is learning that she isn't Sarah and can have her own ideas and plans. Sarah isn't much thrilled with this new independence of Megan's but will adapt. Megan is not thrilled with school this year, partly due to her teacher being a rule enforcer, (and water bottle nazi!!)Megan is all about explaining all she does and there isn't time for that during the day. Fortunately we are half way through the year.

As for me......My life is my children's sanity, my marriage and planning 2 wedding showers and 2 wedding receptions in the next couple of months. My sister and Steve's sister decided to get married the same weekend in April so I am up to my eyeballs in disposable plates, fake greenery and organza! Don't get me wrong though....I love it!

And Steve? you wonder.....me too, I haven't seen him much this week. I do know that he is alive and breathing! He has a good job and is a great man!

Thanks for reading!
Insanely Yours,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well...on with the insanity! Yesterday I was heading up to our elementary school when I got a call stating that Josh was in the nurses office because his friend accidentally cut the pad of Josh's right middle finger off! So I went in and, yes indeed it was cut. I learned what happened and the teacher came down to talk to me. She told me that the friend was beside himself and was close to hyperventilating. I told her to send him down to the nurses office. He came in and I felt so bad for him that I actually got teary and had to give him a hug, of course momentarily ignoring Josh! Poor Josh! However it does give him bragging rights. Well, until a classmate came in the next week with 60 stitches in his thigh due to a hockey incident! Ewwww!