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Thursday, January 28, 2010

On a more incredible note....I have been asked recently if I have gotten a job. I am never home and it has nothing to do with a paying gig. I have recently been give the title of "Home Medical Manager" by the clients living in our home! I am, on average at 4-6 appointments a week. This includes, but is not limited to.....Paperwork for Sarah and Josh to get MA and special services for Sarah which include: (she is bipolar...that will be another blog,) weekly PT for Sarah who has the balance and coordination of a 4 year old and the strength of a 7 year old, PT rehab (the specialist who over sees Sarah's physical condition,) a weekly psychology apt, a monthly psychiatrist apt, ongoing genetics apts to find out what the heck is going on, a neurosurgeon due to finding a syrinx on her spinal MRI, day treatment school, and numerous apts at the orthopedics due to the 20 ankle sprains, two growth plate breaks, 2 dislocated radial heads, an injured thoracic nerve, sprained hand and hmmm...I know I am missing some.

On top of that, Josh sprained his MCL during a stunt gone bad involving his cousins, an ATV and a sled! He cut his hand and needed stitches ( gaining "street cred" with his boys scout homeys because he went back to the camp after finishing at the doctors!) Josh's scout leader was heard to say, "I knew I shouldn't have given a knife to a Rogers kid!" Megan's apts for her broken heel (jumping off a bed!) and broken finger (slammed in a desk). Erin braces and a little camping accident that involved a knife and 6 stitches while camping in Winona. Not including concerts, PCA apts, Home health checkups, Case Manager meetings, our church callings.....you get the idea!

I realize that this may not sound like a lot until you know that this has all happened within the last year....most of it within the last 6 months! A friend recently asked me which Gods we angered, to which I replied, "All the Gods of all the worldly religions!" We had the missionaries from our church over one evening and one of the missionaries was in a cast. We got to talking about injuries (Josh was fresh from his MCL sprain, Megan had a cast for her heel, and a brace for her wrist.) We then went on with our chat. Then, the next day, a friend was dropping her son off for a New Year's Eve party and told me that they had the missionaries over for dinner the night after the missionaries were here. They asked the missionary with the broken arm how he injured it to which he wittily replied, "Oh...I was at the Rogers...."


  1. Your blog is hysterical! You're channeling Erma Bombeck or something. If you had any time left over for yourself, you should be a writer!

  2. Hey Kell Bell - great idea ~ If you need help filling out your profile I'd be more than happy to do it for you! I noticed that Top Gun is not on your list of movie favorites...just a thought!

  3. Oh my gosh! How could I have left out Top Gun! Maybe you should fill out my profile! Poor Mike must be just bummed I missed that one! Nothing quite like being seranaded to!
